Mission Statement

All of my posts are about something specific that crushed out my crankiness that day. I may write about a certain song or direct you to a funny website or YouTube video that picked up my spirits (with the hope that it’ll do the same for you), show you how a genuine act of kindness by a friend or stranger reminded me that there’s still good in the world, or discuss how something I did inspired me to get out of a rut or feel lighthearted and cheerful.

Most of my posts are personal, but I strive to provide a broader message that everyone can relate to; a take-away that you can apply to your own life to achieve happiness. For example, in my post “What’s Your Mirror Image?” I talk about how watching my toddler treat her baby doll with tenderness made me beam with pride. It reassured me that she’s learning about love and empathy through my actions—a reflection of myself that I’m proud of. It’s my story, but it’s meant to encourage you to take a deeper look at how others might view you, and whether or not their perception makes you happy.

Hopefully my goal to crush out crankiness one day at a time will either open your eyes to the positive things (both big and small) that are happening around you, or simply make you smile while reading what I have to say. I promise that together we’ll get to a happier state of mind–and more importantly stay that way!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Gary Doi
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 12:09:39

    Hi Tara. Would you be interested in writing a guest blog? http://ahopefulsign.com We are an all-volunteer group trying to spread hope. Our new magazine blog was just launched 3 weeks ago and has had great success with over 2,000 visitors.

    Send me an email (editor (at) ahopefulsign (dot) com) if you are interested.


  2. Dry, but looking seaward...
    Feb 21, 2015 @ 15:00:30

    Removing crankiness from the world is a noble goal. I’ve enjoyed sampling your blog, and smiled often. Thank you.


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